[Discuss] Debian 12 vs. WSL 1

Derek Martin invalid at pizzashack.org
Thu Jun 22 15:00:45 EDT 2023

On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 01:43:10PM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> If you're talking about 3rd-party application software, then your
> points are reasonable, but we're not--we're predominantly talking
> about the OS layers, which includes things like how shell scripts
> work, the paths at which system utilities lived, or how network logins
> work--the things Rich described.

And just to address this specifically...  At the time that Fedora (or
Oracle, for that matter) undertook merging the split, all of the
infrastructure to address the different paths already existed, because
it had to--until then, every single Unix vendor had this split until
Oracle did away with it in Solaris in 2011.  

The porting effort that Debian described in their document--as far as
I can tell--is predominantly to do with the fact that everyone else has
already undertaken the merge, and so porting from upstream packages is
more effort on Debian for that reason.  But, if no one had ever
undertaken the merge, no one else would ever have needed to, and no
special effort to maintain what already existed would have been
required.  This is exactly what I meant when I said, "Change is
expensive."  It doesn't just cost the instigator of the change... it
costs everyone else who needs to keep up with them, whether they like
it or not.  And that is my problem with the Free Desktop people in
general, and Lennart in particular.  They don't care.  At all.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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