[BLU/Officers] Online meetings

Jerry Feldman gaf.linux at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 09:46:36 EDT 2020

Some of our speakers may have access to a video conferencing system. We
certainly could have the speaker give his/her talk via YouTube. But, our
next speaker is Federico who has access to BlueJeans
In the future, we can explore ways to be able to conduct online meetings
where the audience will be able to interact with the speaker.

We would need to secure a location with a high enough bandwidth for the
speaker, or the speaker could present from his/her home or work.
We would probably need to buy a license that would allow our members to
connect. (Possibly Boston User Groups could use its funds to acquire a
license). For us, we must be able to use Linux. I'm sure most support

Zoom is $14.99/Mo
SamePage has a free option. Prices start at $7.50/User
RingCentral $14.99/Mo
jitsi https://jitsi.org/ Free/Open source. We may be able to use this.
Source is on github.
Google Hangouts Meet
Talky (https://talky.io/) built on jitsi

Let's take a look at the above list and add or subtract. I would like to be
able to test 1 or more of these online within a few days among us. I would
prefer all of John, Me, Kurt, Bill, and Dave. I think John is the key here
since he does not really have home internet.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at gmail.com>
Boston Linux and Unix
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