[BLU/Officers] Online installfest

Bill Ricker bill.n1vux at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 15:17:35 EDT 2020

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 3:04 PM Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris Allen asked me if we were planning an online installfest. I have
> some ideas how we could pull it off. We would have to charge and set some
> preconditions. Please your thoughts

I *want* to have thoughts on your "*have to charge*" and "*preconditions*".

Pray elucidate on those and "*some ideas*".

(I understand why we might want a little income to defray expenses.
But not why an online event "would have to charge.")

I can see having regular declared weekend / evening JITSI *office-hours *for
looking at problems either phone-cam-aimed-at-console ("no no not in mirror
mode, flip it back so i can read the console please") or share-screen if
the Linux patient is running enough that JITSI can run in the browser. But
I can't see charging for that.
(Evening office hours could be the question period before monthly Meeting.)

We'd obviously need to have a rota for coverage for weekend office hours,
and evening if declared anytime other than 3d Weds.
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