[HH] O'Reilly Solid - a hardware/software conference happening tonight

Tom Metro tmetro+hhacking at gmail.com
Thu Feb 6 16:11:12 EST 2014

O'Reilly has noticed how hardware development is blending with software
development and has started a conference series to cater to people
working in that space. I guess their doing a bunch of mini-conferences
around the country to promote the main one. The one in Boston happens

If you can't make it to this, O'Reilly is usually good about publishing
conference proceedings to their YouTube channel.



Solid Local Boston: Software / Hardware / Everywhere
O'Reilly Media

Date:  Thursday, February 6, 2014
Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Location: IDEO Cambridge - 485 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA

Something big is happening at the intersection of software and hardware.
O'Reilly Solid brings together the people and businesses accelerating
the growth of a software-enhanced, networked physical world.

 Solid Local in Boston is a chance for the multi-disciplinary community
of people working at the intersection of software and hardware to meet
and discuss their ideas, experiences, and expertise. You'll hear about
what others like you are working on and learn from the people driving
the next revolution in computing.

You'll also get a preview of what's in store at the Solid Conference
(happening May 21-22 in San Francisco).

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