On Mon, Nov 08, 2010 at 07:41:10AM -0500, Jerry Feldman wrote: > > The fall time change is interesting because it repeats an hour. This is > why Unix chose to work with GMT originally. If an application decides to > use local time, it could do strange things for that hour. And the spring time change skips an hour, which can be equally "interesting". Of note, cron will happily run the same jobs twice on fall-back day if you happen to think 01:30 is a fine time to schedule something. It can get messy if, for example, that's a convenient time to run backups. Not that I learned that the hard way... --=20 Matt Brodeur RHCA MBrodeur-NvGvp2HwywNWk0Htik3J/w@public.gmane.org http://www.nexttime.com PGP ID: 2CFE18A3 / 9EBA 7F1E 42D1 7A43 5884 560C 73CF D615 2CFE 18A3 One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people.=20