On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 05:09:06PM -0400, David Hummel wrote: > IMHO, readability is less about the language and more about coding > style. You can write very readable code in any language. You can also write very unreadable code in any language. Some just seem to encourage that more than others... that's always been my gripe with Perl. I've seen plenty of readable Perl code, but I've seen far less unreadable Python than Perl. Perl is a semantically large language with lots of clever shortcuts, which in my mind really only lend themselves to encouraging unreadable code. The size and inconsistency of the syntax of Perl force a much greater... ah... let's say learning investment, and complicates maintaining someone else's code by orders of magnitude. There *are* many ways to do it, each one either subtlely or vastly different, and some of which are just plain bad. You need to get inside the head of the programmer to figure out what's going on. Python, for my money, just doesn't have that issue, yet remains very powerful and flexible. > I personally dislike Python's reliance on indentation level Everyone makes an issue of that. Honestly, at first I didn't like the forced indentation, until I had an epiphany: I would never (intentionally) write code that's not consistently indented. Doing so makes the code less readable. So it immediately became a non-issue for me. If you use a modern editor, and configure it well, you don't even have to think about it. > and the silly double underscore name mangling for class-private > members, They're a little ugly, but they're sort of meant to be: they are clearly distinguished from "normal" code objects. It calls out their specialness. Besides, everything to do with OOP in Perl is ugly. Python also has much better exception handling. I'd still use Perl for heavy regex parsing (probably), and maybe a handful of other things, but only in small programs that didn't do much else. I'm not going to say that Perl is a bad language, but I will say that I've never enjoyed programming with it, no matter how well I've gotten to know it. Python just works like I do, making it almost always the best tool for me, almost regardless of the problem I'm trying to solve. -- Derek D. Martin http://www.pizzashack.org/ GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02 -=-=-=-=- This message is posted from an invalid address. Replying to it will result in undeliverable mail due to spam prevention. Sorry for the inconvenience.