On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 09:12:39AM -0400, Dan Ritter wrote: > > > why take up 3/4 of the first line with my path. i already know > > > where i am... Because, sometimes you don't. Like after being away from your terminal for a while. :) > I prefer this: > > dsr@tao:~ > $ I do this also, but I put the location in brackets (I think it looks neater) and in addition I like my terminal window title bar to tell me where I am. My prompt looks like this: PS1="\[\033]2;${chroot}\u@\h \W\007\][${chroot}\u@\h \w]\n\\$ " ${chroot} is set to "CHROOT " earlier in my .bashrc when I've chrooted into a virtual build environment (based on the location of a file in the chroot environment), and null otherwise. You can do all sorts of interesting things like that with your prompt. My prompt looks like this: [demartin@myhost ~/Code/Python] $ And my terminal window title bar says: demartin@myhost Python If I'm in my chroot environment, both of those start with the string "CHROOT " so I can tell the difference. -- Derek D. Martin http://www.pizzashack.org/ GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02 -=-=-=-=- This message is posted from an invalid address. Replying to it will result in undeliverable mail due to spam prevention. Sorry for the inconvenience.