-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At some point hitherto, John Abreau hath spake thusly: > So you can write a dummy shell that checks those parameters and fires up > scp if it's requested, or prints a "no logins allowed" message otherwise. If anyone cares, I'm writing a little dummy shell to do just that. I've got it about half-written right now, but I'm not going to have any more time to work on it today, so it should probably be done tomorrow some time. If anyone is interested, I'll post the code here. I think it'll be short enough to pass the mailing list software's restrictions on message length... - -- Derek Martin ddm@pizzashack.org - --------------------------------------------- I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG! GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu Learn more about it at http://www.gnupg.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE9STbgdjdlQoHP510RAuTVAJ0VIRHvgfnzkyxf9Q9MefAJbzLiRwCeJ45t U30MJPOQeBNjJAUpUbWBNxg= =GIcc -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----