-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At some point hitherto, Jerry Feldman hath spake thusly: > I'm considering evaluating a new email client for myself. I have been using > exmh on Unix and Linux for 10 years, and I like it. And so far, I have yet > to find a Linux replacement that fits the bill. My requirements are: [SNIP] Mutt meets all of those requirements, except that it is not an X application. Not only that, but since you seem to need a number of different user profiles, it's got some really cool support to do that sort of thing. For example, you can tell it to automatically set your from address and signature based on the recipient, etc. You can automatically adjust virtually any configurable option based on the recipient, or the folder in which you're reading mail. In my experience, it's the most configurable/customizable mail client in existence. It's only problem: you need to spend time up front configuring it all. And it will take quite a bit of time... It would be really cool if mutt had a nice easy-to-use configuration dialog, but it doesn't. It would also be cool if it had a nice gui interface, but it's not necessary and my opinion is that it does not suffer from not having one. - -- Derek Martin ddm@pizzashack.org - --------------------------------------------- I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG! GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu Learn more about it at http://www.gnupg.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE9B7O3djdlQoHP510RAm1qAKClLn4sVr1BO2mtoVBnJ1gOsQaZAQCgtDB+ /k1YWlp1EahIjypFlm4VOjs= =Oik6 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----