-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Werner Koch posted this on the GPG users mailing list recently: From: "R. Saravanan" To: gnupg-users@gnupg.org Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:50:51 -0700 Enigmail, a GnuPG "plugin" for Mozilla which has been under development for some time, has now reached a state of practical usability with the Mozilla 0.9.9 release. It allows you to send or receive encrypted mail using the Mozilla mailer and GPG. Enigmail is open source and dually licensed under GPL/MPL. You can download and install the software from the website http://enigmail.mozdev.org Enigmail is cross-platform like Mozilla, although binaries are supplied only for the Win32 and Linux-x86 platforms on the website.At the moment there is no version of Enigmail available for Netscape 6.2 or earlier, which are based on much older versions of Mozilla.There will be a version available for the next Netscape release, which is expected to be based on Mozilla 1.0. You may post enigmail-specific comments to the Enigmail newsgroup/mailing list at mozdev.org I've messed with the plugin (but not extensively), and so far I like it a lot. It seems to "do the right thing" with various methods of GPG. I haven't yet tested sending mail so I'm not sure if it sends PGP-MIME or ascii-armored mail by default... If it does the latter, I think I'll like it well enough to switch back to using Mozilla for e-mail. But we shall see... Oh also, for those who care, I noticed that Macromedia has released v5 of their Flash Player (still no shockwave) for Linux. It works fine with Mozilla, but you need to install it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (as opposed to /usr/lib/netscape/plugins, which will work for many plugins on Mozilla). They still seem to be staying a version behind the Windows/Mac version though, which is now at version 6. The good news (if anything related to using Windows can be considered good news) is the latest Windows versions of Flash and Shockwave support Mozilla specifically (i.e. they find it and ask you if you want to install flash/shockwave for it). On a side note, I can't believe how fast Mozilla 0.9.9 loads on Windows. It loads faster than IE. If you install it on a machine that has some RAM to spare, be sure to select the "fast load" option, which keeps some DLLs resident for fast loading, much like IE does. - -- Derek Martin ddm@pizzashack.org - --------------------------------------------- I prefer mail encrypted with PGP/GPG! GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu Learn more about it at http://www.gnupg.org -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE8n5radjdlQoHP510RAh+HAJ9tcm5t5eCCto/QHVYPxuan1L1tHgCdG3+v CKbVwarIWxQPGVzUClz7rkQ= =b7sP -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----