I have 3 computers at home I'd like to put on a KVM. The problem is that they are a mixture of architectures(1 Mac with USB Kb and mouse, 1 clone PC with PS2 Kb and mouse, and 1 Mac with ADB Kb and mouse). You may assume that they all run some sort of Unix>:). What are my options for putting all of these on the same KVM? One idea I had was to buy a common adapter for all of them, for example, getting ADB->USB and PS2->USB adapters and maybe trying a USB KVM that they sell for newish ISB macs. Would that work? Any better ideas? Best Regards, Adam ------------------------------------------------------------ PS: You should check out this great new site that I found. They've got free movies, music, email. It's really great! http://www.netbroadcaster.com