[Discuss] Now you see it now you don't

E. William Horne malassimilation at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 12:33:51 EST 2023

I just got a brochure from a "Managed care" facility, with a "find out 
more" link that pointed to a .pdf file. When I viewed the file, I found 
out that highlighting any of the text caused it to vanish from my 
screen, and that any attempt to read the raw text of the email had been 
blocked in Thunderbird.

If there are "pdf" experts among the BLU, please tell me if/how I can 
turn off the files' disappearing text feature - a file which contains 
bland assurances that a reverse-mortgage won't change my Medicare 
benefits, less than a inch away from a warning that it could do 
precisely that. I'd like to include that verbiage in an email to my 
Senators, so thank you for any help you can provide. The original email 
is available to anyone who asks - provided that clicking "Forward" in 
Thunderbird doesn't cause my laptop to explode - so just ask if you want 
to  see it.

Bill Horne

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