[Discuss] Annoying network problem

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Thu Mar 24 13:25:43 EDT 2022

I have an intermittent but quite frequent problem with my network.
Symptoms include:

         Backups via deja-dup to google drive which are supposed to take
         place nightly, a couple of times a week don't finish.

         When I come back to my computer after an absense of hours, the
         tabs in my browsers need to be reloaded (e.g. amazon.com).

         The most annoying is that when I tell my mail reader (gnus) to get my
         mail, it hangs.

I'm quite sure this is comcast's fault, because when I visit my friends
in Arlington, I had this problem when they were on comcast but when they
switched to RCN it stopped happening.  Switching to RCN is not an option
either in Cambridge, where I live, or in Fall River, where I'm currently
a homeless refugee because of a fire.

I believe this output demonstrates the problem:

------------------------------------------------------mtr output---------------------
mtr -rwzbc100 gwene.org
Start: 2022-03-24T13:09:30-0400
HOST: fortepiano                                                         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1. AS???    _gateway (                                         0.0%   100   50.6  39.6   2.5  56.8  14.8
  2. AS7922                                               0.0%   100   50.4  39.3  10.7  59.1  14.1
  3. AS7922                                               0.0%   100   50.3  39.7  10.5  57.9  13.7
  4. AS7922                                               0.0%   100   52.3  38.4   9.8  57.2  14.0
  5. AS7922   be-341-ar01.needham.ma.boston.comcast.net (   0.0%   100   53.1  42.4  13.9  59.0  13.7
  6. AS???    ???                                                        100.0   100    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
  7. AS3356                                                0.0%   100  116.1 122.8  92.3 164.5  15.1
  8. AS3356   AS33891-NET.edge7.Amsterdam1.Level3.net (     0.0%   100  125.9 120.8  93.4 137.7  13.6
  9. AS201011 ae6-2011.nbg40.core-backbone.com (            0.0%   100  139.1 140.0 111.4 156.2  13.8
 10. AS201011 core-backbone.hetzner.com (                      0.0%   100  131.7 133.3 104.3 150.5  13.6
 11. AS24940  core11.nbg1.hetzner.com (                   0.0%   100  137.7 133.9 103.9 160.5  14.5
 12. AS24940  ex9k1.dc5.nbg1.hetzner.com (                  0.0%   100  134.1 134.0 103.9 157.3  14.3
 13. AS24940  ciao.gmane.io (                             0.0%   100  130.7 132.1 102.6 148.8  14.0

------------------------------------------------------end mtr output---------------------

I would guess that that node that's losing 100% of the packets isn't
supposed to do that.  Does anyone know a way to convince comcast to look
at the problem and fix or work around it?


Laura   (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org)
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
<http://www.laymusic.org/> <http://www.serpentpublications.org>

...bonemeal was in such high demand that the remains of soldiers at
Waterloo and other major battles were sold, ground, and resold, mostly
to England.

Mark Bittman, Animal, Vegetable, Junk

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