Anyone have a free uucp feed?

John Abreau jabr at
Thu Oct 31 11:52:40 EST 2002

I've lost my broadband connection, thanks to a lack of income, and 
I need to find a reliable alternative email link. Does anyone run 
a UUCP host that I could peer with? Anywhere in Eastern Massachusetts 
is a local call for me.

Unfortunately, I can't really afford even a cheap dial-up account 
just now. I do have a free ppp dial-up account at that's limited 
to four hours per month, which isn't enough to rely on; normally, 
I only use it for emergencies or when I'm traveling.

Back in 1995 and before, I used to use UUCP for my email, and 
I figure that's probably my best option for reconnecting until 
I'm employed again. I've got the expertise to set it up, I just 
need a neighbor to dial into.


John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
IM: jabr at / abreauj at aim / abreauj at yahoo / 28611923 at icq
Email jabr at / WWW / PGP-Key-ID 0xD5C7B5D9
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