You install it first...

David Kramer david at
Fri Jul 27 23:22:00 EDT 2001

...and let me know how it goes.


The FOLK project aims to provide a single patch which incorporates as many
Linux kernel projects as can be crammed in. Its goal is to allow people
who are interested in experimenting with the different projects to get on
with the experimenting, rather than spend time fixing clashing diffs. It
also has the goal of giving some of the more obscure projects a better
chance of being seen and used. It is not intended for "general use". If a
given release is stable, that will be by sheer luck.  These are
experimental projects, of unknown quality and completeness, being thrown
together in ways that the developers are unlikely to have even remotely

DDDD   David Kramer         
DK KD  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol.
DKK D  It says that the best drink in existance is the Pan Galactic
DK KD  Gargle Blaster."
DDDD             Douglas Adams, "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".

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