Special Media Lab Colloquium - 7/30: Collaborative Computing Networks (fwd)

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Wed Jul 25 21:11:23 EDT 2001

Special Media Lab Colloquium
Monday, July 30th
Bartos Theater, MIT Media Lab

"Collaborative Computing Networks, Past Lessons and Future Possibilities"
Adam Beberg, CEO, Mithral Communications & Design Inc.

Distributed computing has made a flashy comeback in recent years, with
projects like distributed.net, SETI at Home, and many attempts at
commercialization. The real applications are hidden in the hype, and we'll
weed out the realistic uses for the technology. Issues such as security,
marketing, server infrastructure, user care, and innovative problem
solving algorithms all come into play to create a successful
application. Special attention will be paid to security and ways to combat
cheating and sabotage in a public project, and to the applications of this
technology in genetics and biotech.


Adam Beberg founded Mithral Communications & Design in 1995, and serves as
Chairman and Chief Technology Officer. Beberg's extensive background in
distributed computing includes a degree in Computer Engineering from the
Illinois Institute of Technology, and several successful projects. In 1997
Beberg founded distributed.net which solved encryption contests from RSA
including two DES and one RC5 contest. The success of distributed.net has
been followed by many projects including dozens of startups. In April 1999
Beberg left distributed.net and returned to work at Mithral full-time on
the original Cosm project. Beberg has been awarded by MIT's Technology
Review as one of the nations top 100 technology innovators, and has
appeared in many publications including Red Herring, Forbes, Scientific
American and Fortune.  Beberg is currently working with the Folding at Home
project, which uses the Cosm tools.


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