
Rob Ransbottom rir at
Wed Jul 25 10:15:54 EDT 2001

A wheel can be clicked.  So should I be getting a three button
mouse, or using the wheel as the third button?  Is a wheel
just an ornament in X?

I am used to three buttons on the glidepoint and usually
Logitech mouseman mice.

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> I'm very partial to the Logitech marble track balls. They are very 
> comfortable, and mine is several years old. I clean it every once in a 

Having looked at pointers at my local Staples, I'm leaning toward
a Logitech marble trackman trackball.  The line Jerry is referring to.  
They are designed to fit a right hand with the ball falling under the thumb.  

There are currently three versions mass marketed:  
Two button + wheel.
Two button + wheel cordless.
Three button + wheel.

The cordless has some appeal if one can use it inverted cupped in the hand.
But I don't like the idea of batteries failing in the midst of some effort.

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