Future Linux machines?

ccb at valinux.com ccb at valinux.com
Mon Jul 16 10:20:01 EDT 2001

Hey Mike -

    You might want to talk to the folks at NewDeal about getting a bul
license for their GEOS-based suite.  It runs well on top of
CalderaDOS.  It may even run well on top of FreeDOS.  It provides all
of the old GEOS Ensemble (WP,Sheets,Draw) functionality plus a client
IP stack and a web/ftp/email client.  I had it running for a while on
a 286/20 with 8 MB RAM and it was very smooth.

    Otherwise they're pretty close to junk.  There were lots of
machines on par with them at the MIT Flea yesterday.  Didn't look like
a lot of takers.  You have to be very poor (or cheap :-) ) and fairly
talented to be able to press machines of that spec into service.

    What we need is an embedded Linux that runs a browser built for
fbGtk.  You fire it up and get a net client for a desktop.


Charles C. Bennett, Jr.			VA Linux Systems
Systems Engineer, SourceForge OnSite	25 Burlington Mall Rd., Suite 300
Eastern US/Eastern Canada		Burlington, MA 01803-4145
+1 617 543-6513				+1 877 VA LINUX
ccb at valinux.com				www.valinux.com

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