Palm Pilot/Visor and Linux questions

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Sun Jul 15 13:20:10 EDT 2001

I had previously reported that my Palm Pilot Professional died at Usenix 
while surrounded by BSD ears. David Kramer was kind enough to loan me his 
Palm IIIe. While this was sufficient for my needs and could connect to my 
existin cradle, there was one bug. The alarm did not wake up the unit. 
After conferring with David, after the BLU BarBQ on Saturday, I sent off 
and email to Palm Support. I was very pleased to find a response to my 
problem when I checked my email this morning. The response had detailed 
instructions as to how to fix the problem. In short, to a full reset, erase 
all data, test the alarm, then resync to reload the data.  Apparently there 
had been some corrupted data. By erasing all data in the Pilot, and 
reloading, the alarm now works properly.
Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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