
Derek Martin ddm at pizzashack.org
Mon Jul 9 23:21:20 EDT 2001

On Tue, Jul 10, 2001 at 02:44:46AM +0000, dan moylan wrote:

> actually, i don't want to dump the files themselves, but keep
> the symlinks.  there is some permissions issue which doesn't
> keep the symlinks but substitutes a zero-sized file for each
> symlink.  when i do the tar/untar as root, the symlinks are
> retained.

You didn't really say much about your configuration...  Some questions
that might provide some insight:

Is this Linux, *BSD, or a proprietary Unix?

What version of the OS and/or kernel?

Is this GNU tar or a proprietary tar? 

What version of tar is it?

What are your mount options on the CD (try `mount |grep cdrom' or
similar, depending on the name of your CD device and where you have it

What are the ownership/permissions of the files you're trying to copy?

What command line are you using to tar/untar the directory you're
trying to copy?

Derek Martin          |   Unix/Linux geek
ddm at pizzashack.org    |   GnuPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D
Retrieve my public key at http://pgp.mit.edu

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