Palm Pilot/Visor and Linux questions

Mark Komarinski mkomarinski at
Wed Jul 4 12:52:59 EDT 2001

Gerald A Feldman wrote:

> Most of the new Pilots and Visors are USB, so my questions are:
> 1. Can I use the pilot-link and Jpilot through a USB port (2.4+ kernel).

Pilot-link, yes.  You'll want to have USB serial and visor compiled into
the kernel, or as modules.  The port will be something like
/dev/ttyUSB1, but the port won't be available until about 1 second *after*
you hit the hot-sync button.  So, hit hot sync button, wait, then start
pilot-link.  You can get a bit more info at

> 2. Can I use my current serial cradle with the newer Palms (I'll probably
> opt for a low end Palm III or possibly a Handspring Visor). The main
> reason is that I want to upload my previously synced data to the new Palm
> or Visor. (Essentially, I want to be able to place it in the existing
> cradle and perform a pilot-xfer). 

I went from a Palm III to Visor, and was able to back up my palm using pilot-link,
attach the Visor through its cradle, then do a restore.  Worked fine.


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