High speed Internet access alternatives???

Brian Conway dogbert at clue4all.net
Sun Jun 27 21:39:57 EDT 1999

> Now my question is, is there any other form of high speed internet
> access. I hear of satellite based Internet connections. I don't know
> which companies offers such connections. What other alternatives are available
> to subscribe to high speed Internet connection?

I'm currently in much of the same situation.  Mediaone has yet to conquer
Cablevision in my town, and Bell Titanic DSL has yet to make it out 
here either.  I'm currently masquerading a few machines on a 56k dialup.
As for alternatives, satellite is an option.  The majority of them are at
around 400 kbps, which is nicer than the 128k isdn option, though I
believe that they are a bit pricey.  I've only done limited research I'm
afraid.  Just my $0.02

Brian Conway
dogbert at clue4all.net

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